Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Computer Mouse
Ok, I was so pissed off last night because my computer mouse (the old fashioned kind with the ball at the bottom) stopped working, so you had to move it around for like, a minute, so that it would move an inch across the screen. I was so pissed off! But now it's good because I invested in one of those mouse with the lazer instead of a ball and I advise you to do the same. It will save you a lot of time and frustration when your old mouse decides to stop working on you too.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Why I hate working in the food industry
Ya, i came home from work in a really bad mood today, so I'm just going to list a few points:
- The people you work with always have to be cheery, including yourself. A lot of times I'm delightfully glum, so you can see how this annoys me. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing people happy, it's phonies I hate. Also, you don't know if your co-workers are being passive agressive or sincere. One thing I hate is insincere people.
- The floors are so fricken greasy and slippery!
- I come home smelling like milk, ew.
- People in the fryers go home smelling like grease, poor them.
- Customers sometimes can be so picky annoying.
I'd quit, but I just started, so I'm just going to put up with this for a bit. If by the beginning of next summer I still want to, I'll quit.
My family and I went to Banff last weekend. It was great, relaxing to. Here is what we did:
- Hiked in Johnson Canyon
- Saw Moose with big antlers
- Saw family of elk
- Played tennis
- Played billiards
- Went to bow falls
- Bought delicious chocolates made with 100% pure maple syrop
We made pretty good time for only two days.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Three Days Grace
Three days grace is my ABSOLUTE favorite band! Their music is so full of raw emmotion, and some of the lyrics I can relate to. Not to mention that their beat is awesome. I love all of their songs, both of their CDs I can listen to without skipping songs.
Scared- "so real these voices in my head"
Riot- "If you feel so empty, so used up, so let down"
Pain- "This life is filled with hurt when happiness doesn't work"
It's all over- "And now you're dead inside, still you wonder why"
I hate everything about you- "Everytime we lie awake, after every hit we take"
Animal I have become- "Somebody help me through this nightmare, I can't control myself"
Just like you- "You thought you were there to guide me, you were only in my way"
Drown- "If I needed someone to control me, if i needed someone to hold me down"
Gone forever- "I'm not lying, denying, that I feel so much better"
Let you down- "When you finally trust me, finally believe in me"
Over and Over- "I know what's best for me, but I want you instead"
Are you ready- "So, you think you know how this story goes"
Born like this- "It's not what I took from you, It's not what I stole"
Burn- "I'll tell you now that you can't win this"
Get out alive- "If I go I can only hope, that I make it to the other side"
Home- "No matter how hard I try, you're never satisfied"
Let it die- "It's not fair when you say that I didn't try, I just don't care about you anymore"
Never too late- "The world we new, won't come back"
Now or never- "Now's the time for us to lose"
On my own- "Like she told me, I'm just a big disgrace"
One X- "We get knocked down, we get back up and stand above the crowd"
Overrated- "They give us answers, to questions they don't even know"
Running away- "But will you pick me up, will you leave me on the ground"
Take me under- "I've done my share of waiting, and "I still have no where else to go
Time of dying- "Was it all too much, or just not enough"
Wake up- "I'm not angry all the time, you push me down at least you try"
from 'Scared' to 'Over and Over' they are in order as my favorites, the rest are alphabetical
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Funny stories from work
The people who handle your food aren't perfect...
All of the cupboards have a hole at the top in case you want to put a garbage can in there. One of the cupboards had boxes of those little condiment packets, and somebody thought it was a garbage and threw an entire ice cream cone in there.
This one guy was so nervous on his first day that he made a burger without a bun.
Three of us were working the drivethru one day; I was greeting the customer and handing out the food, Cheryl was making the food, and Megan was taking the orders. This one guy ordered a burger with no bacon, and a small dip cone. When i handed the order out the window, I read the screen and it said
1 burger
1 small dip cone
---no bacon
I couldn't help but laugh as I handed out the order.
Ashlea and I were working the drivethru one day when she asks me, "you know that song 'everytime we touch, i get this feeling, everytime we kiss, i swear i can fly...'" then she starts dancing to it, and she dances right in front of the window where the customer is just thinking 'wtf?'. Then she turns around (still dancing) and sees the customer. lol she jumps back out of view and we are just laughing our heads off. Then she tells me of this time she was working drivethru and she sees her friend's car and the person in the car kind of looks like her friend, so she starts banging on the window screaming "ABBY ABBY, HEY ABBY!" and the woman looks just horrified.
As a joke a girl dares her friend to ask a woman "would you like fries with that?" when she orders fries. lol she actually did it.
All of the cupboards have a hole at the top in case you want to put a garbage can in there. One of the cupboards had boxes of those little condiment packets, and somebody thought it was a garbage and threw an entire ice cream cone in there.
This one guy was so nervous on his first day that he made a burger without a bun.
Three of us were working the drivethru one day; I was greeting the customer and handing out the food, Cheryl was making the food, and Megan was taking the orders. This one guy ordered a burger with no bacon, and a small dip cone. When i handed the order out the window, I read the screen and it said
1 burger
1 small dip cone
---no bacon
I couldn't help but laugh as I handed out the order.
Ashlea and I were working the drivethru one day when she asks me, "you know that song 'everytime we touch, i get this feeling, everytime we kiss, i swear i can fly...'" then she starts dancing to it, and she dances right in front of the window where the customer is just thinking 'wtf?'. Then she turns around (still dancing) and sees the customer. lol she jumps back out of view and we are just laughing our heads off. Then she tells me of this time she was working drivethru and she sees her friend's car and the person in the car kind of looks like her friend, so she starts banging on the window screaming "ABBY ABBY, HEY ABBY!" and the woman looks just horrified.
As a joke a girl dares her friend to ask a woman "would you like fries with that?" when she orders fries. lol she actually did it.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Well DUH!
I hate it when people state the obvious. Don't they have anything better to do than say what everyone else knows? Like when I made my first desktop theme, I knew that it looked like a beginner file, anyone who downloaded it probably did too, but then I got this dumb ass telling me "this is obviously a beginners file" of course it looks like that you moron! you even said it yourself by using the word "obviously". If it is so obvious, (which it is,) I'm sure nobody would have a problem with figuring it out themselves. Do these people ever think?
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Funny Instructions

These are hillarious!
On Sears hairdryer:Do not use while sleeping.
On a bag of Fritos:You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside.
On a bar of Dial soap:Directions: Use like regular soap.
On some Swann frozen dinners:Serving suggestion: Defrost.
On Tesco's Tiramisu dessert: (printed on bottom of the box)Do not turn upside down.
On Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding:Product will be hot after heating.
On packaging for a Rowenta iron:Do not iron clothes on body.
On Nytol sleep aid:Warning: may cause drowsiness.
On a Korean kitchen knife:Warning: keep out of children.
On a string of Christmas lights:For indoor or outdoor use only.
On a food processor:Not to be used for the other use
On Sainsbury's peanuts:Warning: contains nuts.
On an American Airlines packet of nuts:Instructions: open packet, eat nuts
On a Swedish chainsaw:Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands.
On a child's Superman costume:Wearing of this garment does not enable you to fly
On a Swedish chain saw:Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals.
On a toboggan:Beware: Sled may develop high speed under certain snow conditions.
On a knife sharpener:Caution: knives are sharp.
On shin pads for cyclists:Shin guards cannot protect any part of the body they do not cover.
On a take away coffee cup:Caution: Hot beverages are hot.
Emergency safety procedures at a US summer camp:In case of flood, proceed uphill. In case of flash flood proceed uphill quickly.
In a microwave oven manual:Do not use for drying pets.
On the back of a pilot's seat in a Nato aircraft:Seat must be facing forward for take-off and landing.
On the bottom of a cola bottle:Do not open here.
On a Harry Potter wizards broom:This broom does not actually fly.
On a box of aspirin:Do not take if allergic to aspirin.
On a bottle of laundry detergent:Remove clothing before distributing in washing machine.
On a muffin packet:Remove wrapper, open mouth, insert muffin, eat.
In a kettle instruction manual:The appliance is switched on by setting the 'ON/OFF' button to the 'ON' position.
On a ketchup bottle:Instructions: Put on food.
On a bottle of rum:Open bottle before drinking.
A car park sign:Entrance only. Do not enter.
A sign in a street in Hong Kong:Beware of people.
Rules on a tram in Prague:Beware! To touch these wires is instant death. Anyone found doing so will be persecuted.
On a can of air freshener:For use by trained personnel only.
On a bottle of baby lotion:Keep away from children.
On a pair of socks bought in egypt:Do not wash.
On a 500-piece jigsaw puzzle:Some assembly required.
On a can of pepper spray used for self defense:May irritate eyes.
On a Frisbee:Warning: may contain small parts.
In a car handbook:In order to get out of car, open door, get out lock doors, and then close doors.
On a packet of cashew nut pieces:Warning: This product may contain residue of nuts.
Directions for mosquito repellant:Replacing battery: replace old battery with a new one.
On a birthday card for a one year old:Not suitable for children aged under 36 months or less.
In a hotel bedroom:Please do not turn on TV except when in use.
In a lift in a Japanese hotel:Push this button in case anything happens.
On a toilet cleaning brush:Do not use orally.
On a can of Spray paint:Do not spray in your face.
On a TV remote:Not Dishwasher safe.
On a blowtorch:Not used for drying hair.
On a washing machine inn a launderette:No small children.
On a bottle of hair dye:Do not use as Ice Cream topping.
On a push along lawn mower:Not to be used as a hedge trimmer.
On a box of fireworks:Do not put in mouth.
On the packaging for a wrist watch:Warning this is not underwear! Do not attempt to put in pants.
In a dishwasher manual:Do not allow children to play in dishwasher.
On a toaster:Do not use underwater.
On a mattress:Do not attempt to swallow
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
How to get out of a speeding ticket (dont actually try this)
A police officer pulls a guy over for speeding and has the following exchange:
Officer: May I see your driver's license?
Driver: I don't have one. I had it suspended when I got my 5th DUI.
Officer: May I see the owner's card for this vehicle?
Driver: It's not my car. I stole it.
Officer: The car is stolen?
Driver: That's right. But come to think of it, I think I saw the owner's card in the glove box when I was putting my gun in there.
Officer: There's a gun in the glove box?
Driver: Yes sir. That's where I put it after I shot and killed the woman who owns this car and stuffed her in the trunk.
Officer: There's a BODY in the TRUNK?!?!?
Driver: Yes, sir.
Hearing this, the officer immediately called his captain. The car was quickly surrounded by police, and the captain approached the driver to handle the tense situation:
Captain: Sir, can I see your license?
Driver: Sure. Here it is. It was valid.
Captain: Who's car is this?
Driver: It's mine, officer. Here's the owner's card. The driver owned the car.
Captain: Could you slowly open your glove box so I can see if there's a gun in it?
Driver: Yes, sir, but there's no gun in it. Sure enough, there was nothing in the glove box.
Captain: Would you mind opening your trunk? I was told you said there's a body in it.
Driver: No problem. Trunk is opened; no body.
Captain: I don't understand it. The officer who stopped you said you told him you didn't have a license, stole the car, had a gun in the glovebox, and that there was a dead body in the trunk.
Driver: Yeah, I'll bet the lying s.o.b. told you I was speeding, too!
Officer: May I see your driver's license?
Driver: I don't have one. I had it suspended when I got my 5th DUI.
Officer: May I see the owner's card for this vehicle?
Driver: It's not my car. I stole it.
Officer: The car is stolen?
Driver: That's right. But come to think of it, I think I saw the owner's card in the glove box when I was putting my gun in there.
Officer: There's a gun in the glove box?
Driver: Yes sir. That's where I put it after I shot and killed the woman who owns this car and stuffed her in the trunk.
Officer: There's a BODY in the TRUNK?!?!?
Driver: Yes, sir.
Hearing this, the officer immediately called his captain. The car was quickly surrounded by police, and the captain approached the driver to handle the tense situation:
Captain: Sir, can I see your license?
Driver: Sure. Here it is. It was valid.
Captain: Who's car is this?
Driver: It's mine, officer. Here's the owner's card. The driver owned the car.
Captain: Could you slowly open your glove box so I can see if there's a gun in it?
Driver: Yes, sir, but there's no gun in it. Sure enough, there was nothing in the glove box.
Captain: Would you mind opening your trunk? I was told you said there's a body in it.
Driver: No problem. Trunk is opened; no body.
Captain: I don't understand it. The officer who stopped you said you told him you didn't have a license, stole the car, had a gun in the glovebox, and that there was a dead body in the trunk.
Driver: Yeah, I'll bet the lying s.o.b. told you I was speeding, too!
Annoying stuff
People who point at their wrist while asking for the time. I know where my watch is buddy, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the bathroom is?
People who are willing to get off their ass to search the entire room for the TV remote because they refuse to walk to the TV and change the channel manually.
When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too". Screw off. What good is a goddamn cake if you can't eat it? What, should I eat someone else's cake instead?
When people say "It's always in the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the hell would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they?
When people say, while watching a movie "Did you see that?" No dicknose, I paid $9.00 to come to the theatre and stare at the frigging ceiling up there. What did you come here for?
When something is "new and improved", which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it.
When a cop pulls you over and then asks if you know how fast you were going? You should know asshole, you frigging pulled me over.
When people say "Life is short." What the hell?? Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever does!! What? Are they going to do something that's longer?
When people ask "Can I BORROW a piece of paper?" Sure, but please don't return the favor! It's one god damn piece of paper!
When you are waiting for the bus and someone ask you "Did the bus come yet?" If the bus came I would not be standing here asshole!
People who ask "Can I ask you a question?" Didn't really give me a choice there, did ya buddy?
People who are willing to get off their ass to search the entire room for the TV remote because they refuse to walk to the TV and change the channel manually.
When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too". Screw off. What good is a goddamn cake if you can't eat it? What, should I eat someone else's cake instead?
When people say "It's always in the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the hell would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they?
When people say, while watching a movie "Did you see that?" No dicknose, I paid $9.00 to come to the theatre and stare at the frigging ceiling up there. What did you come here for?
When something is "new and improved", which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it.
When a cop pulls you over and then asks if you know how fast you were going? You should know asshole, you frigging pulled me over.
When people say "Life is short." What the hell?? Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever does!! What? Are they going to do something that's longer?
When people ask "Can I BORROW a piece of paper?" Sure, but please don't return the favor! It's one god damn piece of paper!
When you are waiting for the bus and someone ask you "Did the bus come yet?" If the bus came I would not be standing here asshole!
People who ask "Can I ask you a question?" Didn't really give me a choice there, did ya buddy?
Friday, May 19, 2006
Dream Car
My dream car is a mercedes benz converable in silver. i dont know exactly which model, because by the time i get it, there would be a different model. But mercedes are sleek, stylish, sophisticated, and hot.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Warrior Cats
***Spoilers Ahead***
I love these books, they are about forest cats, and I am a huge cat-lover! There are two series' to the theme, two different generations of cats.
The first series is of 6 books revolving around the life of a kittypet (housecat) named rusty (he has a very orange pelt). He dreams of something beyond his ordinary life, and his dream comes true when he meets some "clan" cats when he explores outside of his yard. They accept him into the Thunderclan as an apprentice and give him the new name of Firepaw, and by the end of book 1, he becomes the warrior known as Fireheart. He and the clan go through much over the series, from rifts with the other clans; Shadowclan, Riverclan, and Windclan; to the menace of Tigerclaw, later to be Tigerstar (-star is the suffix given to clan leaders), to the dwindling sanity of their leader, Bluestar. Fireheart loses much throughout the series; a love, a friend, an apprentice, and his former mentor and admired leader. Through all of this, he eventually rises up and leads the clan to a victory over the greatest threat the clan had faced yet (little did they know that that was not the worst to come). The clans are guided by StarClan, who only medicine cats and sometimes leaders have a connection to, but Fireheart believes that even before he joined the clans, he had been lead in his dreams by StarClan. Find out what happens in Erin Hunter's first series WARRIORS in "Into the Wild", "Fire and Ice", "A Forest of Secrets", "The Rising Storm", "A Dangerous Path", and "The Darkest Hour".
Hunter's second series is called THE NEW PROPHECY. It is the next generation of clan cats, mainly the kits of Firestar and Sandstorm, Tigerclaw, and Graystripe, as well as a windclan apprentice. There are currently four books in this series, I am awaiting the fourth to arrive at my library. You should read the first series to better understand this one. One cat from each clan recieves a dream from Starclan to go to a sun-drown place (the ocean most likely) to listen what midnight tells them. There will be a great danger comming to the forest and they have to find out what to do and where to go. On the journey, friendships are formed, romances spark, and a tragic loss faces the journeying cats. I won't say anymore, partly because you'll have to read the series yourself, and partly because I am tired of typing.
Read this series and you will enjoy it.
I love these books, they are about forest cats, and I am a huge cat-lover! There are two series' to the theme, two different generations of cats.
The first series is of 6 books revolving around the life of a kittypet (housecat) named rusty (he has a very orange pelt). He dreams of something beyond his ordinary life, and his dream comes true when he meets some "clan" cats when he explores outside of his yard. They accept him into the Thunderclan as an apprentice and give him the new name of Firepaw, and by the end of book 1, he becomes the warrior known as Fireheart. He and the clan go through much over the series, from rifts with the other clans; Shadowclan, Riverclan, and Windclan; to the menace of Tigerclaw, later to be Tigerstar (-star is the suffix given to clan leaders), to the dwindling sanity of their leader, Bluestar. Fireheart loses much throughout the series; a love, a friend, an apprentice, and his former mentor and admired leader. Through all of this, he eventually rises up and leads the clan to a victory over the greatest threat the clan had faced yet (little did they know that that was not the worst to come). The clans are guided by StarClan, who only medicine cats and sometimes leaders have a connection to, but Fireheart believes that even before he joined the clans, he had been lead in his dreams by StarClan. Find out what happens in Erin Hunter's first series WARRIORS in "Into the Wild", "Fire and Ice", "A Forest of Secrets", "The Rising Storm", "A Dangerous Path", and "The Darkest Hour".
Hunter's second series is called THE NEW PROPHECY. It is the next generation of clan cats, mainly the kits of Firestar and Sandstorm, Tigerclaw, and Graystripe, as well as a windclan apprentice. There are currently four books in this series, I am awaiting the fourth to arrive at my library. You should read the first series to better understand this one. One cat from each clan recieves a dream from Starclan to go to a sun-drown place (the ocean most likely) to listen what midnight tells them. There will be a great danger comming to the forest and they have to find out what to do and where to go. On the journey, friendships are formed, romances spark, and a tragic loss faces the journeying cats. I won't say anymore, partly because you'll have to read the series yourself, and partly because I am tired of typing.
Read this series and you will enjoy it.
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